Make money while in lock-down South Africa

Make money while in lock-down

Written by Tauriq Moerat

April 14, 2020

It just took a few weeks for Covid-19, or Coronavirus to impact many small and large business in South Africa. Covid-19 is a global pandemic at the moment but that doesn’t mean that you should sit back and lose hope. In this time of self-isolation their is many positive things that you can do to improve your online presence and make money while in lock-down. As a business owner you can try to improve your online footprint via website updates, social media marketing and getting in touch with customers to plan what happens after lock-down ends.

Before the Coronavirus hit us, their was just never time to worry with marketing your business and trying to get new leads. Now is the time to do so! Besides marketing yourself online I’ll add some more ways in which you could make some extra money in this crisis.

Digital Industry

If you have a connection with products to sell, start investing in an online store. While people are at home in isolation, shopping continues online and people make money while in lock-down. Many businesses are suffering in this time but from personal experience many are also flourishing. If you have no interest in creating your own online/e-commerce store then look for investing opportunities and let someone else to do the work. If you have no knowledge on where to begin creating your own website, contact us and we will guide you through the process.

Entertainment Industry

Lock-down forces people to stay in there homes. Entertainment is surely an industry that is booming at the moment! One can only do so much then we tend to sit in our couches and use platforms such as Youtube, Netflix, DSTV etc. Comedians for example are using this time to their advantage. With paid for streaming services you could make some extra cash on the sideline.

Online Education

Use this time to teach yourself something new. If you have free time and don’t know what to do with yourself, grab an online course such as Googles free marketing courses. Education is power and Google provides valuable resources that is so important for businesses in today’s world.

Make money while in lock-down

Become a Coronapreneur

Many people are using this time to their full advantage and make money while in lock-down. If you have any connection with supplies such as masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizers or gloves then this truly is your time to shine. People all over the world are stocking up on these types of items, they are also willing to pay the price for it.

Another way you could look at this is to invest in stocks if you have extra money lying around. Stocks are tumbling at the moment, but what goes down has to come up at some point. Share prices are so low at the moment so it makes perfect sense to buy them. Personally I don’t think there could be a better time than now.

Lastly I would like to make the point of creating your own online stores once again. Consumers are sitting at home and ordering their goods online due to social distancing practices. We can help to take away all the hard work for you and create your own professional E-commerce store. Pop me a message and I’ll get back to you 🙂

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